How To Create a Great Name For Your Website

Hello Everyone! Does anyone out there share in the opinion that naming something can be a real challenge? In my opinion.. names are such a weird and elusive thing. They can be very to difficult to discover and nail down, while other times... a great name may pop up totally unexpected.
For example, this website contains content that was once on a different domain. The name was, "", which also started out as "". The second name (,) was such a horrible name. The whole reason it was used... was to move forward with the project. In the very beginning, I simply could not find a good name It was such a struggle and frustrating to not have a name. I decided to just go around that roadblock and to keep moving forward with the project.
Finally, a name did show up. By simply continuing to invest time and energy into this website, the name presented itself after writing five blog posts. The domain/url was available as a .com, so it was registered right away.
What is the point of this blog post? Simply to keep moving forward at all times. When it comes to the creative process, there may not be a set-in-stone sequential order to things. The goal is to build an asset. To build a website, a blog, an app, whatever your digital asset of choice is... just work on it everyday until the vision becomes a tangible reality that other people will find value in.
That is all for today.
Thanks for visiting!
Jeremy H.